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Showing posts from May, 2020

The India-Nepal border dispute explained. Is it a Chinese conspiracy?

All right, so in this post, I'm going to talk about two nations between whom a serious border dispute was the most unanticipated thing ever. India and Nepal have enjoyed blissful relations since the 1950s. Under the 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty of peace and friendship , Nepal became the only country in the world to allow Indian citizens the freedom of movement within its territory. Nepalese citizens can also travel into India visa-free. So to say, India and Nepal have shared an 'open border' since 1950. The question then arises what is this discourse all about?                               The Problem: Recently, Nepal produced a new political map which included the areas of Lipulekh, Kalapani, and Limpiyadhura under its territory. Now, the problem is that these areas have effectively been under Indian control since 1947 and since the 1962 Indo- China war, India even maintains a strong military presence there...

Sweden’s eccentric way of tackling the corona-virus.

Apart from being the country of origin of global brands like IKEA and H&M, Sweden is also known for housing one of the happiest populations in the world and why won’t you be happy when there are only 190 annual school days in your country! Personally, I think the Swedes are the most ‘chilled-out’ people in the world. Don’t trust me? Look at Sweden’s ‘radically different’ approach to handle the Covid-19 crisis. What if I told you that while the rest of Europe remains under strict lockdown, Sweden has not shut down its transportation systems, schools, and even restaurants and cafes remain functioning? Believe it or not, this is the truth, apparently, the Swedish government believes that social distancing is a matter of self-regulation and cannot be imposed by the government. This might well be true as we can see in India itself that despite severe government regulations, a lot of people are taking to the streets and trying to defy the lockdown. Although the Swedish ideology might...